Monday, December 18, 2006

December 2006

Its been more than 6 months and I never thought someone could become this important to me...
He is now my best friend, lover, teacher, counsellor, advicer, mentor and so much more...
I knew he loved me and I knew i loved him too... Its such a nice feeling... True, pure love...
I knew my weaknesses - insecurity, jealousy, need for attention.... He knew it too... But he managed all of it... It was not a problem to him.. He knew he loved me enough to deal with it in his own time and in his own way...
He spoils me.... But he doesnt always give in to my absolutely unreasonable requests... I love him for teaching me that I cant always get my way.. I love him for teaching me how to love someone unconditonally.. I love him for loving me with no inhibitions....

October 2006

We knew there was something between us and it was definitely not just friendship.. We had to face the music... One night when he was being his nutty weird self, i felt this insane urge to tell him that I loved him.... And before i could stop myself, I blurted it out. There was less than fraction of a second pause before he said he loves me too... I have never smiled that broadly in my life...

We talked about what was happening. We knew we wanted to be with each other.. There are some things that u just know... Perhaps the most important debate he has ever won was the one we had on arranged marriage versus love marriage, cos by now, i was completely on his side.... He showed me that u could fall so completely in love with a person that nothing could tell u ootherwise... He showed me that u could be so passionate abou someone that nothing else seemed even remotely as important to you.. He showed me that you could love someone enough to want the absolute best for them even if it was not what made u happy....

WE MET! For the first time after we knew we loved each other.... It was absolutely perfect. I knew.... And I knew that he knew!!!!! Food has always been first priority to me, but today, it was him on my mind and nothing else... I was shy and scared... So u could not hug him the way I wanted to, could not hsow him how much i loved him and how happy i was to be with him... But he understood... He knew it all and he was ok with it cos he knew!!!

I came back and it began with new fervour.. I loved him more each day. Just when i thought it was not possible to love someone anymore, a new surge of love came in from somewhere and somehow i knew i loved him more than i could handle... more than i knew was possible.. more than i had ever loved one person before... It was all new to me and i loved it... It made me fly..

August 2006

Couple of months down the line... I couldnt sleep without talking to him... I needed his apprval on things i did, i needed his comments... I thought he was weird, but never had weird felt so nice before....

My birthday came and went and along with it came a huge card.. so thoughful, so lovingly sent...

I moved to a new place, STD calls became a necessity... he helped me through the changes. We spoke like kids discovering a haunted looking house.... slowly, carefully but filled with excitement, we explored each others lives... We claimed we were friends... Good friends...

My friends teased me about liking him but not saying anything... I was in denial... There were complications.... I believed in arranged marriage, he did not... I was in another state and barely saw him... I was dating one of his best friends a while ago... I was Indian, he was Ethiopian!!!!!!!!!!! My family was waiting to get me married to a good christian, Indian boy....

Sometime in May 2006....

Thanks to Orkut, we got in touch... a scrap here and a srap there... Then a message here and another one there... Soon it became - a call when i was in town... Slowly a call when i was not in town as well..

The first call, in spite of my memory, I wont forget... We spoke for more than a hour at midnite.. started off on a topic of common interest - psychology and went on to the controversial topic of marriage... "arranged marriage is the stupidest concept i have heard of", he said... "I just recently asked my parents to look out for someone for me", I said... Thats where it began... A discussion, turned into a debate... neither one of us willing to look at things from the other persons point of view... I thought he lived in fairy land with his ideas of love at first sight, never ending romance, passionate love and dreams i thought could never be fulfilled..... He thought i was not letting myself have the pleasure of being with someone who was meant to be mine, to love beyond what words could describe.... We sure put our ponts across.... Neither one of us changed our minds though...

Couple of days later we talked again, this time about our lives, interests, friends and stuff... Neither of us could sleep early, so we spent several nights messaging each oter and talking late into the night... I went back home (another state) and the calls continued, became more frequent and messaging him became addictive....

There was not enough time time to say all i wanted to... There was not enough time or money to listen to all that I wanted to know about him... Noone seemed more inetersting, nothing captivated me more... Thats how it all began...