It's funny how sometimes the things that can bug the hell outta you are the very things that are the proof that the person who can bug you to hell truly loves you... 3 months into marriage, I have come to realize that love doesnt mean giving in to my every whim, spending each waking moment with me or even constantly showering me with sweet nothings.... Here are some ways I am sure he loves me! These irritating things give me the direction I so badly need in my life...
- He glares at me when I eat too much of something unhealthy (which I usually do very often) just to let me know that he wants to have me beside him longer. The fact that my short term happiness in eating appam with sugar does not deter him from looking out for my interests in the long term.
- Even when my ego refuses to let me believe that he can cook as well if not better than me, he still makes that extra effort to come into the kitchen and help me out when he sees me wake up at 6 am to make a dish for my lunch. Well he even tries out new dishes most evenings when I get back from a tired day at work. :) How lucky am I?
- I am a clean person. I am not obsessed with order. He is. Yet, he is my decent husband who calmy picks up my shawl from the dining room chair, my comb from the dining table and washes the dinner dishes before he comes to put me to sleep.
- Talking about sleep, in spite of the fact that he has to fill each day doing nothing, he still comes to bed with me and puts me to sleep patiently even when I am moaning and groaning about the heat or about not getting a comfortable position.
- When some girl friends of mine decided to meet up recently, he so sweetly and subtly gave me some space to go meet them for a girls weekend out while he spent the weekend with my parents! If that doesnt show he loves me, nothing will!
- I fall for stupid sales tactics like moving to a more expensive post paid connection and though he lectures me for hours about how I should not fall for such tricks, he lets me keep the post paid connection and doesnt crib when we pay so much more on the phone though we cant afford it.
- Even though my family practically butts into every sphere of my life (which sometimes irritates even me) he not only gets along with them famously, but even tries to get me to be more patient and understanding when they bug me.
- When I rant and rave about something completely illogical for no apparent reason, he keeps finding new examples to explain the logical way to me. Though the explanations bug me most of the time, in a few minutes I KNOW that he is right!! AAAAAAAAArgh!
- For someone who does not open up or say what he is feeling, even at the cost of the uncomfortable fights, he brings himself to discuss our issues so that we can move on rather than bottling things up.
- As we move through each day I realize that we are not as mature as we thought ourselves to be, yet in our immaturity, he makes me realize that we can mature together and grow together into the wonderful couple that we know we are! :)
Even through days when things are not smooth between us, I just have to look at his eyes to know the determination and love he has which gives me the strength to know that we will be fine in the long run. Cos though I am still a kid, he knows what is best for us. God speaks to us through him!